Queen of
Heaven Gnostic Church
Parish of the
Ecclesia Gnostica

The Queen of Heaven
Gnostic Church is a parish of the Ecclesia Gnostica, a Christian
Gnostic sacramental church with its headquarters in Los Angeles,
California. As a sacramental, liturgical church we employ chant,
candles, incense, bells, vestments and other accoutrements for the
purpose of elevating consciousness out of the ordinary and commonplace.
The structure and content of our liturgies are age-old and inspired by
the practices and metaphorical writings of the early Gnostics of the
First through Fourth centuries.
We continue an established and recognized, apostolic tradition without
moralizing judgments or dogmatic statements of belief in a setting that
fosters mystical inquiry and spiritual understanding. We erect no
barrier of creed, race, status or personal lifestyle around the altar
of the Gnosis. We retain the early Gnostic practice of ordaining women
on an equal basis with men and revere the feminine aspect of Deity in
the fashion of our Gnostic forbears.

is our purpose?
The primary mission of our Church is to
provide the ancient wisdom and redeeming power of the Gnosis, our means
of spiritual liberation, within the living context of traditional
Christian ritual and sacrament. By working with the literature of
various Gnostic traditions in a sacramental setting, the words of the
early Gnostics begin to awaken in us and subtly bring to us mystical
insights into the existential meaning of the material world and the
spiritual realities which transcend it. We begin to know what they
knew. By this means we can recognize the true divine core of our being
as a spark of the divine light. We begin to find out from whence we
have come and whither we shall return in the journey of the soul, the
journey by which each individual spark of the Light returns to its home
in the Fullness, the Pleroma, the Place of Light.
What do we offer?
Although we practice an Independent
Catholic tradition with similarities to mainstream Christianity, we
have the additional interpretation and approach of the ancient Gnostics
to more deeply participate in the divine mysteries of the sacramental
life. As a community, we bring together a broad range of spiritual
interests and backgrounds to amplify, deepen and expand our
understanding of our Gnostic readings, rites and symbols. What we share
as a community is an attraction to the sacramental mysteries of the
early Church as a means for connecting us with this wide-reaching
spirit of the ancient Gnostics. Although the Valentinian Gnosticism
that we most closely resemble died out soon after the 4th Century, we
retain an unbroken lineage to the early Apostolic Church of which it
was a part, and have a direct succession from its Gnostic revivals in
France and England.
do we profess?
- Though we do not
believe in a dogma
that one must profess, we do share the following central points of view.
- Humanity is
endowed with an
essential spark of the Divine Light. Though, as we live in this world,
we are a mixture of good and evil, our divine nature serves as a
compass to guide us to our true home in the Pleroma (Fullness).
- Evil exists.
While our sparks, our
souls, are divine, evil exists in the form of archons or limiters that
strive to keep us in ignorance of our divine heritage.
- There is a way
out that involves the
remembrance and return of the soul to its divine origin. A true desire
for freedom upon the part of the individual soul may eventually open
the way for him or her.There are intermediary beings and powers that
can assist us to the Light. These Messengers of Light serve to guide us
and open the way for us.
How can you
The central mystery
of our sacramental
practice is the Gnostic Holy Eucharist, which is designed to assist in
our uniting with the Indwelling Divinity by removing the barriers that
separate the human and divine natures in ourselves. The Queen of Heaven
Gnostic Church of the Ecclesia Gnostica invites all who seek this
mystic union, to partake of the holy mystery of the Eucharist, and of
the other mysteries (sacraments) which it administers.
Services are currently held every Sunday at 11 am. We meet at a home chapel at the address below.
For more information on our schedule of services and activities,
subscribe to our quarterly bulletin. To subscribe for a year send a
minimum donation of $6.00 to cover printing and postage to:
Queen of Heaven
Gnostic Church
5815 NE Everett St
Portland, OR 97213-3821
For inquiries call Steven at 503-233-0854 or email
Spiritual consultations available by appointment.
Get updates on events through our Facebook page.