Believe me: It is no teaching and no instruction that I give you. On what basis should I presume to teach you? I give you news of the way of this man, but not of your own way. My path is not your path, therefore I cannot teach you. The way is within us, but not in Gods, nor in teachings, nor in laws. Within us is the way, the truth, and the life.
- C. G. Jung, The Red Book (Liber Novus), [liber primus fol.i(v)/ii(r)]
The Ecclesia Gnostica welcomes all independent spiritual seekers to share in community the Gnostic tradition through liturgical services, spiritual exercises, formal and informal learning opportunities, and in conversation with trained clergy and others engaged in spiritual growth. We make no judgments based on such incidentals as ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or even creed. There is no membership or other requirements for participation. Communion is open to all.
The Holy Gnosis of Thomas Chapel (aka. St. Thomas the Twin Chapel), is the Salt Lake City Parish of the Ecclesia Gnostica (the "Gnostic Church" or "Church of Gnosis"). While we held services in the Holy Cross Chapel at the Salt Lake Regional Medical Center for a number of years, we are now holding services in a house chapel. There is still work to be completed on the current space, and on the house that it is in, so pardon the state of things while the work is being done.
See the Brief Introduction for general information; the Schedule of Services for events; and, Chapel Info for information about the chapel. A collection of Homilies is available. There are local Gnostic gatherings in the Salt Lake Valley.
For more information and address, contact the Rev. Troy Pierce. 
About the icon: There is a strong tradition that the Apostle Thomas traveled through Syria and into India. The Acts of Thomas records that he was thrown into prison in India before being martyred. while in prison he told the story known as the Hymn of the Pearl, or the Hymn of the Robe of Glory. "Thomas" also means "twin," and it is thought that he was called this because of his special relationship to Christ. As icons show the inner reality, the Holy Thomas is pictured as an older twin of Jesus. He is portrayed in prison recounting the story of the Pearl. Through one window is the Robe of Glory. Through the other is the lance that will be used to execute him in the morning. Icon by the Rev. Troy Pierce.
Services in the Holy Gnosis of Thomas Chapel conducted by Rev. Troy Pierce
are currently on hiatus due to illness.
The Emergence of Gnosticism
From a presentation given March 6th, 2010, by the Rev. Troy Pierce
The Emergence of Gnosticism page.
The first part of a longer introductory overview of Gnosticism given at the Utah Theosophical Society. A presentation focusing on the three major traditions from which Gnosticism emerges: the Mystery traditions, Philosophical practice, and Jewish Mysticism.
A Vision for the Parish
Contact: One on one conscious connections where experiences are taken seriously within the context of the spiritual path. Grounded spiritual listening. Chaplaincy model.
Contexts: Gnosticism. Religion. Philosophy. Psychology. Mythology. Symbolism. Multiple perspectives. Educational programs and opportunities. Formation programs. Developing and articulating a growing understanding.
Community: A church of friends where each brings themselves into community, and shares their insight and knowledge. Supportive of your journey. Honest. We are all in this together. No membership, just friendship.
Communion: A church where you do not have to leave a part of yourself at the door. Solemn Ritual. Uniting in ritual. Uniting with the divine. Becoming (better) mystics. Honoring of the divine within each of us.
The Ecclesia Gnostica is a publicly practicing,
overtly Gnostic sacramental church within the Apostolic Succession. As a
sacramental, liturgical church, we employ vestments, chant, candles,
incense, bells, and other accoutrements. This serves the purpose of
elevating our consciousness out of the mundane concerns to focus upon the
Services in the Holy Gnosis of Thomas Chapel conducted by Rev. Troy Pierce
are currently on hiatus due to illness.
 | Sunday Morning Gnostic Holy Eucharist Celebrations
The Gnostic Holy Eucharist (or Mass) is so designed that it may
effectively remove the barriers separating the human and the Divine. The
Ecclesia Gnostica invites all who seek this mystic union to partake of the
Divine Mystery of the Eucharist. The structure and content of our Liturgy
are age-old and are not altered by the passing fancies of individuals or
the mundane trends of culture. Thus our service is Christian as well as
Gnostic in nature, ancient as well as contemporary. Communion is open to
Celebrations of the Gnostic Holy Eucharist (Mass), or Meditation and Reflection Services, are offered most Sunday mornings at 11:30 AM. (See schedule above.) |
Meditation and Reflection Services
Meditation and reflection services provide regular spiritual practice when the rector's health prevents a liturgical service. These services begin with instruction and a mindfulness meditation period, followed by reflection/discussion on the experience. Readings (collect, lesson & gospel of the day) with a homily or reflection on the readings. Presentation and discussion on deepening spiritual practice such as discussion of the symbolism and a guided meditation on aspects of the Eucharist. Then, depending on time, ending with a closing period of spiritual exercise.
 | Devotional Service to the Holy Sophia
An evening service of devotion to the Holy Sophia is
held monthly. It is a singularly meaningful and magical service dedicated
to the Divine Feminine, unique to our particular rite. Culminating in the
Litany of Love, in which love is sent forth to all. Usually prefaced by a
brief Healing Service, for personal preparation.