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Books by Stephan A. Hoeller...


Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner KnowingGnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing by Stephan A. Hoeller

There has long been need for a comprehensive introductory guide to the Gnostic tradition.  Hoeller supplies just such a book with this new offering.  This delightful study gives clear voice to the essential message of Gnosticism, and   supplies an invaluable introduction to the history and import of Gnosticism in the Western tradition.  Buy the Book

Jung and the Lost Gospels, by Stephan HoellerJung and the Lost Gospels by Stephan A. Hoeller

With a psychological perspective drawn from the work of C. G. Jung, this book provides an excellent introduction to Gnosticism and its relationship to the spiritual quest of our own age. Several key mythic motifs of Gnosticism are explored both in a religious and psychological context. Buy the Book

The Gnostic Jung, by Stephan HoellerThe Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead by Stephan A. Hoeller

This widely acclaimed and influential book was the first to fully explore the Gnostic underpinnings of C. G. Jung's personal vision and psychology.  It is "must reading" for anyone with interests in Jung, depth psychology, and Gnosticism. Buy the Book

The Royal Road, by Stephan HoellerThe Fool's Pilgrimage: Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tarot by Stephan A. Hoeller

Just released in a beautiful new edition after thirty years in print, this is truly a classic! (Note that the title of the first edition was slightly different: The Royal Road: A Manual of Kabalistic Meditations on the Tarot.)  This little book provides an excellent introduction both to Kabbalah and to the use of Tarot imagery in guided meditations upon the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. You will find few better introductions to Tarot or Kabbalah. Also included with this fine new edition is a CD with the author reading the Meditations. Highly Recommended! Buy the Book

The Fall of SophiaThe Fall of Sophia: A Gnostic Text on the Redemption of Universal Consciousness by Violet MacDermot with a commentary by  Stephan A. Hoeller

This is a valuable new translation of the Pistis Sophia by Violet MacDermot, who also served as one of the original translators of the Nag Hammadi collection.  Stephan Hoeller provides an introduction to the text, helping place this important Gnostic scripture in context.  Highly recommended.  (Pistis Sophia, the traditional title of this text, is taken from "the Books of the Savior" contained in the Askew codex). Buy the Book

Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society, by Stephan HoellerFreedom:  Alchemy for a Voluntary Society by Stephan A. Hoeller 

Hoeller examines the psychology of tyranny, and the contrasting Puritanical and Hermetic roots of American society. The book suggests that in the Hermetic underpinnings of Western culture, we find a longing for freedom much like that of ancient Gnosticism. Buy the Book


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