
Gnostic Studies on the Web
The links below represent a cross-section of the some of
the material relating to Gnosticism and Gnostic studies available on the
Web. Quality varies considerably from site to site, but we have
tried to give special note to the better resources. (Of course, a
Google search will lead to a vast quantity of material -- though often of
mixed quality.)
Newsgroups and other Interactive Forums
Internet discussions have moved in recent years from the old "news
server" format to various web forums, many hosted at Yahoo. There are now
over a hundred forums on the Yahoo
groups site that use the keyword "Gnosis" -- unfortunately most of
these are of very limited value. One group that I suggest visiting
is the Gnosticism2
discussion. For those interested in the Gospel of Thomas the
group often offers interesting discussions. Try using the keyword
search function at Yahoo groups to
find other topics that might interest you.
The following two "old-fashion" newsgroups are, for the most part, now
a thing of the past. I list them here out of historical interest.
(The Gnosis Archive was started back around 1993 as a way
of archiving interesting posts from the Alt.religion.gnostic newsgroup,
but then quickly evolved beyond that....)
- Soc.religion.gnosis newsgroup
-- once a fair source of material and posts relating to Gnosticism, at
one time moderated by Dean Edwards.
- Alt.religion.gnostic
newsgroup -- often more active than the above group and not moderated.
Introductory Materials
- Gnosis Overview. A short outline of the
history and development of gnosis through the century, covering the wide
variety of sects and movements. Written by Dean Edwards.
- Gnosis Bibliography. Comprehensive
bibliography of works relating to gnosticism.
- Also see the introductory section on the front page of the
Gnosis Archive
Thomas and Gospel of Thomas Studies
- The Gospel of Thomas Collection
in the Gnostic Society Library offers the best single resource for
Thomas studies currently available on the web.
- The Gospel of Thomas and other Thomas literature is the focus of the
Gospel of Thomas
Homepage. You will find useful links here, but unfortunately over
the years this site has become quite disorganized and difficult to
- The Gnostic Apostle Thomas: Twin of
Jesus, a complete online book by Herbert Christian Merillat which
gives a useful overview of the place of the Apostle Thomas and Thomas
literature in Gnosticism. The author has kindly contributed this file
to The Gnosis Archive. It is also now available in
print from at Amazon.com.
Valentinus and Valentinian Gnosticism
- Valentinus and the
Valentinians: This may be the best single introductions to the
Valentinian school available anywhere. Valentinus was one of
the most influential Gnostic Christian teachers of the second century
A.D. He founded a movement which spread throughout Europe, the Middle
East and North Africa. This site, authored by David Brons and now
archived in our Library by his permission, is dedicated to the
Valentinian Gnostic tradition. It features a large and superbly written
collection of articles on the teachings of the school.
Mary Madalene
- Magdalene.org serves those
with an interest in Mary Magdalene. Though the site owners have a
distinctly Gnostic view of Magdalene, the site attempts to support a
broad perspective on how Magdalene has been perceived through the
centuries. Included at this site is a large list of links to other
associated resources.
Gnostic Studies at the University of Goettingen
Coptic Studies
Periodicals of Interest
- Gnosis Magazine. For fifteen
years Gnosis Magazine served as an excellent source of materials
relating to the Gnostic tradition. Unfortunately, the
journal ceased publication in 1999. It is, however, still possible
to order back issues -- many of these are wonderful sources of
Posts and Notes from the "Early Years" (pre-1995) of the Gnosis
These may be of limited interest at present, but they do represent some
of the materials archived in the original Gnosis Archive many years ago.
Since links to several of these files have existed for years, we have
preserved them in our catalog of materials.
- Coptic Documents from Nag Hammadi
In computerized format--address for contact.
- Gospel of Thomas Translations
Discussion of various translations and current speculation as to the
- Lilith Myth
Description and analysis of the Lilith myth (the woman the Demiurge
created before Eve).
- Sophia, Mother of Wisdom by Zos
Beautifully retold story of the creation and the Mother of Wisdom, the
Holy Sophia.
- Simon Magus Biography
Brief biography of Simon Magus, first century Gnostic bashed by
Irenaeus, whose story bears striking resemblance to Jesus'. Posted by
Paul Trejo.
- Gnosis in China
More accurately, Chinese Manichean descendants, according to a poster to
- Mandeans In America
A short note on the current status of Mandeans in America.
- Sufi Mystica by Zos
Summary of Sufi (Islamic Gnostic) traditions, movements and history.
- Cathar Ritual of Consolation
Guy Wilson discusses the nature and practice of the Consolamentum ritual
by the Cathari.
- Jung's Gnostic Ring
Quote from Jung himself explaining its symbolic meanings.
- Quotes from Teilhard De Chardin
Relationship between matter and spirit.
- Gnosis on the Silk Road
Pointer to recently published book on this subject. Favorable
- Phillip K. Dick FAQ
PKD FAQ, short biography, information pointers, references,
bibliography. Philip K. Dick is probably the most prominently Gnostic
influenced (both in writing and personal life) writer of this century.
- Phillip K. Dick Biography
Very personal, detailed, analytical biography of the great Gnostic
writer by Paul Rydeen. (Those interested in Dick will also enjoy the
Phillip K. Dick wed site.)
Special Section on Mormonism, Hermeticism and Gnosis
Two popular essays by Lance Owens (editor of The Gnosis Archive) on
subjects related to the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith.