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The Community Rule Scroll -- one of the seven original scrolls, attributed to an Essene community


A Baptismal Liturgy


F.2 Col.1

(... And he shall) say (in response)"Blessed (are You, ...)   The unclean for the festivals of (...) Your (...) and to make atonement for us (...to be) pure before you (...) in every matter (...) to purify oneself prior to (...) You made us (....)

F.2 + 3. Col.2

And you shall cleanse him for Your holy statutes (..) for the first, the third and the sixth (...) in the truth of Your covenant (...) to cleanse oneself from uncleanness (...) and then he shall enter the water (...) And he shall say in response "Blessed are You (...) for from what comes out of  Your mouth (...) men of impurity (...)


Soul (...) he is (...) to Yourself as a pure people (...) And I also (...) the day which (...) in the times of purity (...) the Yahad. In Israel's pure food (...) and they shall dwell (...). And it will happen on that day (...)  a female and she will give thanks (...)


For You made me (...) Your will is that we cleanse ourselves before (...) and he established for himself a statute of atonement (...)  and to be in righteous purity and he shall bathe in water and sprinkle upon (...) (...) And then they return from the water (...) cleansing His people in the waters of bathing (...) second time upon his station. And he shall say in response : "Blessed are You (...) (...) Your purification in Your glory (...) (...)  eternally. And today (...).


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