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The Dead Sea Scrolls
- in several different editions


Introduction to the Texts
Working from many thousands of scroll fragments recovered in eleven caves
near Qumran, researches have identified approximately 800 different original
manuscripts. A few scrolls were fairly intact when found, others have been
tentatively pieced together, still more exist only as small scraps of parchment. The
preserved portions of a scroll often give only glimpses of what might have existed in the
complete text. (See the Introduction to the
collection for more background information.)
DSS texts are identified by a number and letter combination, indicating
the cave from which they were recovered: "1Q" indicates the text was found in
Qumran cave 1; "4Q" means found in Qumran cave 4. This initial code is
followed by either a second number (the catalog file number assigned to each fragment as
it was archived) or by a few letters that abbreviate an alternative name given to a
fragment by researchers, usually the supposed title of the text. Many important
scrolls existed in more than one copy. Surviving pieces of these were sometimes found in
different caves. For example, the section of text from the Book of Secrets
(listed below), is reconstructed from fragment 27 found in Qumran Cave 1 (1Q27) and
fragments 299-301 of a different copy found in Qumran Cave 4 (4Q299-301).
A variety of literary forms can be identified among the surviving texts.
Although there is no generally accepted system of categorizing the scrolls, roughly
speaking the manuscripts fall into one or more of the following genres: Biblical
texts, pentateuchal stories and commentaries; legal and ritual texts; prophets stories and
commentaries; psalms and poetry; wisdom literature; prophecy and apocalyptics (visions);
sectarian literature; and "miscellaneous things that don't fit anywhere
else". Some texts can be assigned to several categories, depending on the
subjective reading of the interpreter, which is why no system works very well. The great
variety manifest in DSS texts has led some scholars to question whether a single sect at
Qumran would have created or maintained such an apparently eclectic collection.
(While the resources archived here at The Gnosis Archive are permanent and have been stable resources for over 15 years, many other internet sites do suddenly disappear. We apologize for any links below to defunct resources at other internet locations -- this is beyond our control; a Google search might find them in a new location.)
Visit the Bookstore for
a complete listing of current editions of the complete Dead Sea Scrolls in tranlation.
Texts Archived in the Gnostic Society
This is a varied collection of short texts,
representative of several types of DSS literature. One will note several unique mythical
motifs developed in the DSS manuscripts, as well as imaginative or visionary reworking of
traditional themes. Study of the DSS has given new understanding of how dynamic and
heterodox Judaism was in the intertestamental period.
The Divine Throne Chariot
The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301)
The Thanksgiving Psalms (1QHa)
The Parable of the Bountiful Tree (4Q302a)
A Baptismal Liturgy (4Q414)
The Coming of Melchizedek (11Q13)
Tongues of Fire (1Q29, 4Q376)
Book of Giants (4Q203, 1Q23, 2Q26, 4Q530-532, 6Q8)
Texts Presented in the Library of Congress Exhibit
Dead Sea Scroll Exhibit at the Library of Congress included translations and
high-quality photographs of selected sections of several scrolls - portions of the exhibit are archived here in our collection, below. Each scroll text is
accompanied by a short commentary, a complete physical description of the scroll or
fragment, and a list of references.
Psalms Tehillim
Phylactery Tefillin
The Community Rule Serkeh ha-Yahad
Calendrical Document Mishmarot
Some Torah Precepts Miqsat Ma`ase ha-Torah
Enoch Hanokh
Hosea Commentary Pesher Hoshe`a
Prayer for King Jonathan Tefillah li-Shlomo shel Yonatan ha-Melekh
Leviticus Va-Yikrah
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice Shirot `Olat ha-Shabbat
Damascus Document Brit Damesek
The War Rule Serekh ha-Milhamah
The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls: Israel Museum, Jerusalem
This excellent resource became available in September 2011. Complete digital reproductions of five principal scrolls from the Dead Sea are provided online; each text can be "clicked" to see translations of the section. The high-resolution images of the scrolls are accompanied by several introductory video presentations. The following Scrolls are featured in the exhibit:
The Great Isaiah Scroll
The Temple Scroll
The War Scroll
The Community Rule
The Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll
Complete Scholarly Translations of Scroll Texts with Commentary
Great Isaiah Scroll (Fred Miller) -- This
site presents the most impressive internet presentation of a complete scroll from the DSS.
While the site offers little of interest to a casual reader, it gives glimpses into the
issues involved in the analysis and translation of a scroll. It includes black & white
plates of each column of The Great Isaiah Scroll (one of the first seven scrolls found in
Cave 1, and the oldest extant Hebrew biblical manuscript), along with detailed notes on
the physical condition of the manuscript and comparison of its orthography and
wording with the standard Masoretic text. The technical discussions of the site are
obviously intended for scholars familiar with Hebrew.
Fragments of the Book of
Enoch from Qumran Cave 7 (Ernest Muro - pdf file) Again, a document of limited general
interest. It is dedicated to the detailed analysis of a tiny scroll fragment in
Greek, once argued (inaccurately, it appears) to be from a New Testament text. (Of
course, the presence of a Christian text in the DSS find would have supported the original
efforts to link the Qumran texts with Christian history; this tiny fragment of Greek text
therefore became a focus of debate.) This site illustrates the complex task of
reconstructing, identifying and then interpreting DSS fragments. It includes photos of
the fragment with transcription and translation, as well as two articles (by E. Muro
& E.
Puech refuting claims that these are fragments of New Testament texts. (We have here archived a copy of the files which are not longer available on the internet.)
Detailed Images of Two Major Scrolls
Great Isaiah Scroll -- Exhibition at the Israel Museum Jerusalem (The Dorot Foundation Dead Sea Scrolls Information and Study Center) with a detailed reproduction of the scoll.
The Temple Scroll -- Exhibition at the Israel Museum Jerusalem (The Dorot Foundation Dead Sea Scrolls Information and Study Center) with a detailed reproduction of the scoll and further detailed information on the scroll.