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The Dead Sea Scrolls
- in several different editions


Some Torah Precepts
Miqsat Ma`ase ha-Torah
Fragment A: height 8 cm (3 1/8 in.)
length 12.9 cm (5 in.)
Fragment B: height 4.3 cm (1 11/16 in.)
length 7 cm (2 3/4 in.)
Fragment C: height 9.1 cm (3 9/16 in.)
length 17.4 cm (6 7/8in.)
Copied late first century B.C.E.-early first century C.E.
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (8)
This scroll, apparently in the form of a letter, is unique
in language, style, and content. Using linguistic and
theological analysis, the original text has been dated as one of
the earliest works of the Qumran sect. This sectarian polemical
document, of which six incomplete manuscripts have been
discovered, is commonly referred to as MMT, an abbreviation of
its Hebrew name, Miqsat Ma`ase ha-Torah. Together the six
fragments provide a composite text of about 130 lines, which
probably cover about two-thirds of the original. The initial
part of the text is completely missing.
Apparently it consisted of four sections: (1) the opening
formula, now lost; (2) a calendar of 364 days; (3) a list of more
than twenty rulings in religious law (Halakhot), most of which
are peculiar to the sect; and (4) an epilogue that deals with the
separation of the sect from the multitude of the people and
attempts to persuade the addressee to adopt the sect's legal
views. The "halakhot," or religious laws, form the core of the
letter; the remainder of the text is merely the framework. The
calendar, although a separate section, was probably also related
to the sphere of "halakhah." These "halakhot" deal chiefly with
the Temple and its ritual. The author states that disagreement
on these matters caused the sect to secede from Israel.
- References
- Strugnell, J., and E. Qimron. Discoveries in the Judaean Desert,
X. Oxford, forthcoming.
- Sussman, Y. "The History of 'Halakha' and the Dead Sea Scrolls --
Preliminary Observations on Miqsat Ma`ase Ha-Torah (4QMMT)"
(in Hebrew), Tarbiz 59 (1990):11-76.
English Translation of Some Torah Precepts (Miqsat Ma'ase ha-Torah)
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (8)
- until sunset on the eighth day. And concerning [the
impurity] of
- the [dead] person we are of the opinion that every bone,
whether it
- has its flesh on it or not--should be (treated) according to
the law of the dead or the slain.
- And concerning the mixed marriages that are being performed
among the people, and they are sons of holy [seed],
- as is written, Israel is holy. And concerning his (Israel's)
[clean] animal
- it is written that one must not let it mate with another
species, and concerning his clothes [it is written that they
should not]
- be of mixed stuff; and one must not sow his field and
vineyard with mixed species.
- Because they (Israel) are holy, and the sons of Aaron are
[most holy.]
- But you know that some of the priests and [the laity
- [And they] adhere to each other and pollute the holy seed
- as well as their (i.e. the priests') own [seed] with corrupt
women. Since [the sons of Aaron should...]
Transcription and translation by J. Strugnell and E. Qimron