The entirety of The Gospel of the Lord by Marcion is presented
below, as reconstructed from extant sources. The text is divided into 6 sections, each referenced to parallel chapters in
the Gospel of Luke.
The text is based on "The Gospel of the Lord" by James Hamlyn
Hill (1891), which made use of the 1823 reconstruction by August Hahn. This current
version is further revised by Daniel Mahar to reflect the reconstruction done by Theodor
Zahn ("Geschichte des n.t. Kanons", vol.II., 1888), which places in doubt some
of the material Hahn and Hill allowed into their versions.
For reference, the the text presented here is hyperlinked to the two major
(and hostile) patristic sources utilized in its reconstruction: Tertullian, Against
Marcion (Adversus Marcionem) Book IV; and Ephiphanius, Panarion,
Section 42, "Against the Marcionites" (Dindorfus' Greek edition of Ephiphanius
is included here along with a few other notes in English).