First page of "Gospel of Thomas" coptic manuscript. (Photo Courtesy of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont Graduate University)

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(Above image of the Gospel of Thomas courtesy of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont Graduate University)


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The Gnostic Bible, edited by Barnstone and Meyer


The Gnostic Scriptures, by Bentley Layton


The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, edited by Marvin Meyer

The Gnostic Society Library

The Nag Hammadi Library
Alphabetical Index

Introduction to the Collection:

Several of the major texts in the Nag Hammadi collection have more than one translation listed; where multiple translations are provided, we have listed the translators' names in parenthesis below the title of the text. Texts marked with {*} had more than one Coptic version extant within the Nag Hammadi codices; often these several versions were used conjointly by the translators to provide a single translation of the text. All of these ancient manuscripts had some areas of damage, some of the pages were very fragmentary. Sections of lost or unreadable text are usually indicated in the translations with ellipses [...].

All translations presented below have undergone modification, formatting, and minor revision for use in this internet edition. Many of the translations are based on original work done by members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont Graduate School. The Coptic Gnostic Library Project (CGLP) was funded by UNESCO, the National The leather-bound codices found at Nag Hammadi in 1945 Endowment for the Humanities, and other Institutions.

Several scholars have granted us permission to present their original translations of Nag Hammadi texts here in the Gnostic Society Library. We are particular indebted to the assistance and contributions of Dr. Willis Barnstone, Dr. John Turner, Dr. Stevan Davies, and the late Dr. Marvin Meyer. Contributors to this collection retain all copyright to their works.

For academic citations, always read and reference standard print editions. The International Edition of The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, edited by Marvin Meyer, provides authoritative translations and extensive introductory notes on the Nag Hammadi texts. We also highly recommend The Gnostic Bible, edited by Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer; this comprehensive volume includes excellent introductory material and provides beautiful translations for the most important Nag Hammadi scriptures.

Digital images of the original Nag Hammadi Codices are now available online at the Claremont Colleges Digital Library.

Nag Hammadi Texts - Alphabetical Index


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